Google Chrome
This post was initially going to be about the extensions I use for Google Chrome
Learning to play
Music has always been a big part of my life, 3 years ago I decided to make that
an even
Them Crooked Vultures
At Lowlands
[] this year
I was one of the lucky ones that saw
Mumford & Sons - Sigh no more
I haven't done any reviews of albums yet but I love music so this will probably
not be
Backup your data, damnit!
Yes you there, sitting behind your computer with your hands in your hair because
you've just 'misplaced&
Playing dressup with your browser
Although changing the appearance of a application isn't new at all, it has
become a lot easier for
Television series
Even with the web, I still watch TV. Although watching it actually on a
television-set has been less and less
Protect your computer from yourself
Security is a hot issue these days, anti-this and anti-that software is being
sold to the not so computer savvy