Two Thousand Thirteen - The year of the road bike

31557600 seconds, 525960 minutes, 8766 hours, 365 days, 52 weeks or really just a year (yes these numbers are rounded off). Time is quite fascinating actually as it is relative. That is to say it's a different experience from person to person depending on factors like your individual speed to another object but getting in relativity theory is a bit heavy for this minor blog post. It's more of a summary of the past year actually as a lot as happened during the year 2013.
Although you already get bombarded with plenty of Best of's, Top 100's, New Year's resolutions and the like around this time of year I couldn't help myself and just had to make one too, although a bit more personal. So without further ado I'll list my personal achievements and of course my favourite album, movie, documatary, TV series and gadget that I discovered (so not just released) in 2013.
- Best album
- Rodriguez - Searching for Sugar Man
- Editors – The Weight of Your Love
- Arcade Fire – Reflektor
- Best movie
- Gravity
- Night Train to Lisbon
- Man of Steel
- Best documentary
- Searching for Sugar Man
- Chasing Ice
- De nieuwe wildernis
- Best series
- Breaking Bad
- Orange is the New Black
- The Legend of Korra
- Best personal achievements
- Losing weight and getting fit
- Cycling average of 34 KM/h on a 60+ kilometre ride
- Cycling distance over 150 Kilometre
- Best gadget
- Focus Culebro SL 1.0 Triple 2013 / My roadbike
- Chromecast
- Garmin Edge 810 / well at least it will be when I get it ;)