Ghostly simple

It's been a while

I'm starting to detect a trend in my blogging. Somehow I tend to procrastinate my blogging but I have to admit I had a good reason. As you might have noticed my blog looks a bit different. Well that's because it is. I moved from one of the most used CMS (Content Management System) named Wordpress to something rather refreshing called Ghost. Why you might ask, what was wrong with the other website. Well a few things. Like for instance it was slow, especially the adminpanel, the theme I used was nice and minimalistic but wasn't being developed any longer and besides it was quite narrow. Sure I could have fixed some of those things myself but I don't have the time for it.

So I started my journey to find a new blog CMS. I looked at several like Blogger and Tumblr but none of these kept my current blog permalinks alive and that would mean I would have to redirect all of my previous posts. That was not a option for me. So instead of find a new CMS I did move my blog from a selfhosted server to a VPS (Virtual Private Server). This at least would buy me some time and made it a bit more secure as I wasn't hosting my website on my home server any longer.

Along came Ghost

Then a colleague (thanks Toon) mentioned Ghost to me. I never heard about it, even though I do follow Kickstarter projects, I didn't see the Kickstarter for Ghost but it did intrigue me. Ghost is setup as a no-nonsense CMS with publishing of blogs at it's heart. It's lightweight that makes it very quick, it's opensource and runs on But more importantly I tried an export from my Wordpress instance with the (Ghost plugin)[] and imported into a test Ghost setup without any issues. Everything worked, including my permalinks.

The move over

So last week I moved entirely to the new platform, away from a VPS where I was also hosting Ghost for a trial period, and now I use Ghost on their own system. During the move I even had some questions during last weekend and they responded immediately. Pretty awesome support!

Some future changes

I haven't entirely finished my new setup, I still want a custom favicon and headerimage (preferably random like I use to have on my old blog), but I consider the move a success. So my reasons for not blogging have come to an end. I got plenty of inspiration from my last holiday (including a hike), some new music to share and cycling adventures. I'll be posting real soon...honest!