StumbleUpon - Discover the web

Although I try to post atleast once every 2 weeks recently a lack of inspiration and lower back problems has cost me to keep to this promise. Besides that I'm also quite busy with finishing my study. Anyways inspiration has returned, back problems are over (or at least it's not painful anymore), so here we go...

Internet is a vast enormously gigantic source of information and this information comes in many different forms (text, multimedia, etc.). Sifting through all this information can be quite hard but mostly you will be able to find what you are looking for when you use a search engine. A search engine enables you to find specific sources of the information you are looking for on internet and can narrow down your search. Using a search engine can be quite an art if you wish to narrow down your search results to a low number but using the Advanced Search that Google supplies is one way of doing it. But finding something completely new on the web is even more difficult.

Really discovering new things on the web has been a challenge in itself until a friend of mine recommended StumbleUpon. StumbleUpon is a community on internet that allows it users to discover and rate websites, photos and videos. By making a profile and even ticking off  the checkboxes of 500 topics you might be interested in on the StumbleUpon website you can start stumbling around on websites that other users liked. You can also submit your own.

Stumbling itself is quite easy to do. You can either use the StumbleUpon toolbar which doesn't need you to install anything like I do or use one of the toolbar plugins for your choice of browser by visiting the main StumbleUpon website and clicking on Get the add-on. After this you just click on Stumble! and your are on your way.

Through StumbleUpon I've discovered many new and exciting websites (about 522 favorites and counting). Some of them are:

  • Amazing Insect Images By Igor Iwanowicz
  • Aurora Borealis captured in stunning Northern Lights display
  • Animated Drawings
  • Pigeon: Impossible
  • and many more.
So if you want to discover more of the web it's time for you to start Stumbling!

12 May 2010 - Update:
Ofcourse there are many other similair sharing sites like StumbleUpon. Like