Customs - Enter the characters

Yesterday I finally saw Customs live on stage at Rotown. Customs is four men band from Leuven, Belgium with a post-punk/rock/'80 style feel to their music which many have described as a blend of Interpol and Editors. Although I would say that Customs have a bit more emotion to their music and especially when performing live then Interpol but then Interpol can get away with that sort of thing.

The band consists of frontman Kristof, who looks like Val Kilmer besides singing and playing guitar, Jelle on guitar as well, Joan on bass and Ace on drums. All of them suit up while playing live.

A buddy (Thx, Jurgen :)) introduced me to their music several months back, he sent me this videoclip.

Another song from their album, Enter the characters, is Justine.

Yesterday they also signed my copy of their album at their gig in Rotown.

Enter the characters is a great debut album and I highly recommend it.