1000 tweets later

Exactly 1000 tweets ago I started using Twitter and posted about it. At the time I was unsure if I would keep using it but it seems that Twitter has found a place in my life.

I now use Twitter for keeping tabs some friends but mostly items of interest to me like bands, venues, the weather, events, applications and much more. Twitter seems to fit nicely between following a RSS feed with a lot to moderate updates and visiting a website. If somebody on Twitter that I follow becomes to spam-like I either see if there is a RSS alternative or I completely remove them from my list of people I follow. The main thing here is that I want to be able to read most of what happens but not so much that it takes hours ;) Twitter is not just great if you follow specific people but it can also be a great resource to find out about something by using the search function. Although I haven't tried it yet, I even believe it can be handy on holiday.

Programs I use for Twitter at the moment:

  • DestroyTwitter - on PC, where I  previously used TweetDeck but DestroyTwitter is just right for me.
  • Gravity - on my Nokia 5800 XM mobile
Some tips:
  • Follow what interests you
  • Don't follow people who follow you just to be friendly. Check their tweets and see if it interests you, than follow
  • Don't be afraid to unfollow
  • Use favorite as a save function to read back interesting tweets
  • Every now and again do a little cleaning of what you follow (same goes for RSS feeds btw)